The life-history and remarkable career of...
Dana Kunze...the "King" of high diving.
8x World High Diving Champion 7x World Record Holder (highest dive)
Dana still holds the OFFICIAL World Record at 172' The book tells the incredible story of how Dana Kunze came to be America's High Diving Superstar and a bona fide Living Legend.
"Going up" is not yet scheduled for release, but will soon be available in hardcover & trade paperback online and wherever fine books are sold!
The Color Of Water
The history of Professional High Diving as told by the Legends of the sport & the wonderful water shows that date back to the early 1900s
Hilarious, heartwarming and emotional stories depict a behind-the-scenes history of Professional High Diving and the Water Show business. Olympic & Professional divers, water show comedians, Olympic coaches and show performers share their personal thoughts and fondest memories. Intimate details of their lives (on and off the road)...their success and disappointments...are highlighted in a lengthy book written by Dave Lindsay, one of their own.
A full-length film documentary is also in the works. Dave has compiled more than 200 hours of video interviews with some of the sport's most successful athletes and a wide variety of popular water-show legends.
Scientific Evidence God Exists
Theological & Cosmological Theory
The book explores how and why our infinite Creator devised a plan for creation of the universe.
A Big Bang? Perhaps. The Bible does not dispute the possibility, but a universe as vast as ours simply could not and did not manifest itself "FROM NOTHING".