An extensive non-fiction study of the infamous biblical beings
Even the most devout bible believers ask the questions; If God is real, where does He dwell? If heaven is real, where is it? If angels are real, what do they look like and where do they reside? Because we couldn’t possibly comprehend the answers anyway, the Bible doesn’t elaborate on exactly what heaven is, WHERE heaven and God are, or where God’s holy angels reside. Mankind can never really expect to learn the answers, at least not until we get to heaven, wherever and whenever that might be.
There is one question that even the most fail to ask. If Satan and his fallen angels are real, where do they reside? Concerning the whereabouts of the angels who were cast out of heaven, the Bible is quite specific. Most religions rarely if ever discuss the facts and/or overlook the biblical scriptures which provide us with all the fascinating details.
Of all the galaxies, solar systems and planets that exist in our infinite universe, the book of Revelation expounds on precisely where these majestic god-like beings were cast out to. Satan and his elaborate army of angels, one third of all the angels in heaven, were sent to Earth. Satan’s angels and mankind are here and nowhere else. The Bible elaborates on the purpose of mankind, and the roles that fallen and heavenly angels play in God’s plan for the universe.
Angels have profound relevance, immense significance, and extraordinary ramifications for all mankind. Ancient Angels not only presents faith-based biblical evidence, but overwhelming scientific and archaeological evidence of their past and present existence on Earth.