This epic saga sets the stage for an innovative perspective in TIME-TRAVEL and an amazing love story. Vinni Cross, an Italian forty-eight-year-old out-of-work carpenter, is struggling to make ends meet. But when he purchases a dilapidated antique mirror at an estate auction, he soon discovers the mirror was designed to conceal a mystical portal that leads to an inimitable dimension in the past.
Once Vinni learns he can ‘slide’ through the supernatural gateway and return safely, a profound time-travel adventure begins. The experience however entails a rather perplexing twist. When Vinni penetrates the plane, all his physical attributes dissipate, and he becomes an invisible field of electromagnetic energy. A menagerie of intriguing and often amusing events occur when he travels precisely seven years into the past where he contacts his younger self.
Vinni’s travel through time is limited to one seven-year period, but his younger self can travel back another seven, which serves to rapidly multiply the potential. Using information from the future, he promptly builds a virtual empire and Vinni Cross instantaneously becomes one of the wealthiest men in the world. His innate abilities also extend an opportunity to meet Sierra, the love of his life. He uses the portal to enhance a passionate love affair, but the future is subject to change.
When nuclear war unexpectedly erupts in 2008, it unleashes global annihilation. Vinni is forced to dive seven years into the past, a spiritual presence trapped in time. Vinni and his younger cohorts suddenly find themselves on a seemingly impossible quest to save the world and Sierra, who was unavoidably lost in the nuclear war. The thought-provoking journey, which proves to be considerably more challenging than anyone could possibly imagine, leads to one ironic quandary after another. The only way Vinni can return to his untarnished time and reunite with Sierra, is if he and his former selves can somehow prevent the devastating event from occurring.